If your org was going to result in good IA, it already would have

Organizational problems manifest in the site, and the converse of that of that is that if your organizational structure was going to create good IA, it already would have.

IA emerges out of the taskscape of what constitutes “business as usual.” Thus, if you’re going to fix your IA, you’re going to have to fix your org. The problem with this is that IAs are rarely put in positions of authority to dictate wide-scale organizational changes. One answer is to get yourself put in positions of authority, but by that point you usually have other things to worry about. Another answer is to figure out how to make change happen from an unleveraged position, which is at the heart of program entrepreneurship.

Either way, to fix the IA, you’re going to have to change how your organization operates.

See also: The purpose of a system is what it does, the spandrels of San Marco